Tips To Choose The Right Reactors

by hiocuser1
Published: Updated: 496 views

Chemical reactors are crucial elements in many industries. Here, reactors play the important role of converting reactants and raw materials into finished products. Batch reactors, continuous reactors, and plug flow reactors are a few varieties available in the market. However, not every reactor is suitable for all facilities. What specific type of reactor is suitable for a given plant/factory is dependent on several factors.

Firstly, it’s pivotal that the facility is fully clear about its exact requirements. If the operations involve manufacturing a relatively small quantity of a single type of product at a time, then it is better to choose batch reactors. On the other hand, continuous reactors will be appropriate if it is a matter of handling incessant chemical processes for extended durations.

  • Equally important is the point that the factory/plant ascertains the maximum extent of viscosity and pressure of the concerned reactions. The selected reactor should be able to manage the pressure and viscosity levels, without compromising on safety.
  • Companies should buy only those reactors made from robust materials like stainless, Hastelloy, and steel with a lining of glass. Then, the reactors will be able to successfully withstand the harsh conditions resulting from the reactions within. They provide top-level durability.
  • There has to be complete clarity about the quantity of reactants that will be directed into the reactor for each process, as well. Reactors with different capacities are sold on the market. So, the correct model can be deployed only when the plant/factory is sure of the above aspect.
  • The plant/factory has to know about the precise period for which the reactants are going to be present inside the reactor. Otherwise, there is a chance of buying a model unsuitable for the given specifications.
  • The changes in temperatures during reactions are one more key aspect that has to be taken into account. The reactor that the company intends to deploy should be able to handle these fluctuations for lengthy periods if it’s required.
  • Before a facility decides to get a specific model, it is imperative to make sure that a few tests are carried out on the reactor. Visual inspection tests, hydro tests, load trials, and testing voltage and electric current are a few of those. These tests will clearly show whether the model conforms to the company’s specifications.
  • Organizations need to possess comprehensive details regarding the industry regulations and guidelines related to reactors and their use. In this respect, any deviation can lead to unnecessary legal issues.
  • It’s always advisable that reactors are bought from vendors of unquestionable integrity; they should have a proven track record of supplying quality products. Factories and plants have to ensure that there won’t be any problems with after-sales service and availability of spare parts, too.
  • This point is much more relevant for facilities carrying out chemical processes that generate a lot of heat. For these places, it is better to deploy reactors that come with cooling jackets. These jackets make certain that any other-than-normal increase in temperature levels is quickly brought under control.
  • Most of the rectors come equipped with accessories such as stirrers, vessels, outlet ports, and monitoring devices. Here, it should be highlighted that all these accessories are not necessary for all reactions. Companies must only opt for reactors having accessories that are genuinely essential for the processes in question.

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