Telugu Calendar Year Names

by correspondent
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The Telugu Calendar year starts on the day of Ugadi. Since, this festival marks start of the new year in the Telugu culture.

Telugu new year i.e. Ugadi for the year 2019 is on April 6th and in the year 2020 Ugadi falls on March 25th.   The year 2019 corresponds to the Telugu calendar year of Vilambi till 5th April 2019 followed by Vikari from the 6th of April until the end of the year.

As per Telugu calendar traditions,  each Yuga has a cycle of 60 years. These year names change on the day of the Ugadi festival.  Each year of the Telugu calendar has a specific name in the Panchangam (traditional Hindu calendar in Telugu). The Telugu calendar has 60 names corresponding to each year. Every 60 years a yuga gets completed and the names repeat in the next Yuga (next cycle). For example, the Telugu name for 1954 is “Jaya” which again got repeated after 60 years in 2014.

Ugadi is the Telugu new year festival that comes in the spring season (usually March or April). On this day many trees especially Neem trees bear fresh flowers and leaves.   The Ugadi festival is widely celebrated by Telugu people. On this day other neighboring states like Maharastra and Karnataka also celebrate new year.

The calendar that is used in the western world was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII in the year 1582 AD. For your convenience in the table below the western calendar year and the corresponding Telugu year name is provided with the current year coming first.

Year Western Calendar * Telugu Calendar Year Name Future Yuga Past Yuga #
2019 Vikari  (వికారి) 2079 1959, 1899, 1839 33
2020 Sarvari (శార్వరి) 2080 1960, 1900, 1840 34
2021 Plava (ప్లవ) 2081 1961, 1901, 1841 35
2022 Subhakritu (శుభకృతు) 2082 1962, 1902, 1842 36
2023 Sobhakritu  (శోభకృతు) 2083 1963, 1903, 1843 37
2024 Krodhi  (క్రోధి) 2084 1964, 1904, 1844 38
2025 Viswavasu (విశ్వావసు) 2085 1965, 1905, 1845 39
2026 Parābhava (పరాభవ) 2086 1966, 1906, 1846 40
2027 Plavanga (ప్లవంగ) 2087 1967, 1907, 1847 41
2028 Kīlaka (కీలక) 2088 1968, 1908, 1848 42
2029 Soumya (సౌమ్య) 2089 1969, 1909, 1849 43
2030 Sādhārana (సాధారణ) 2090 1970, 1910, 1850 44
2031 Virodhikritu (విరోధికృతు) 2091 1971, 1911, 1851 45
2032 Paridhāvi (పరిధావి) 2092 1972, 1912, 1852 46
2033 Pramādeecha (ప్రమాదీచ) 2093 1973, 1913, 1853 47
2034 Ānanda (ఆనంద) 2094 1974, 1914, 1854 48
2035 Rākshasa (రాక్షస) 2095 1975, 1915, 1855 49
2036 Nala (నల) 2096 1976, 1916, 1856 50
2037 Pingala (పింగళ) 2097 1977, 1917, 1857 51
2038 Kālayukti (కాళయుక్తి) 2098 1978, 1918, 1858 52
2039 Siddhārthi (సిద్ధార్ది) 2099 1979, 1919, 1859 53
2040 Roudri (రౌద్రి) 2100 1980, 1920, 1860 54
2041 Durmathi (దుర్మతి) 2101 1981, 1921, 1861 55
2042 Dundubhi (దుందుభి) 2102 1982, 1922, 1862 56
2043 Rudhirodhgari (రుధిరోద్గారి) 2103 1983, 1923, 1863 57
2044 Rakthakshi (రక్తాక్షి) 2104 1984, 1924, 1864 58
2045 Krodhana (క్రోధన) 2105 1985, 1925, 1865 59
2046 Akshaya (అక్షయ) 2106 1986, 1926, 1866 60
1987 Prabhava (ప్రభవ) 2047 1927, 1867, 1807 1
1988 Vibhava (విభవ) 2048 1928, 1868, 1808 2
1989 Sukla (శుక్ల) 2049 1929, 1869, 1809 3
1990 Pramodyuta (ప్రమోద్యూత) 2050 1930, 1870, 1810 4
1991 Prajothpatti (ప్రజోత్పత్తి) 2051 1931, 1871, 1811 5
1992 Angeerasa (ఆంగీరస) 2052 1932, 1872, 1812 6
1993 Shreemukha (శ్రీముఖ) 2053 1933, 1873, 1813 7
1994 Bhāva  (భావ) 2054 1934, 1874, 1814 8
1995 Yuva (యువ) 2055 1935, 1875, 1815 9
1996 Dhāta  (ధాత) 2056 1936, 1876, 1816 10
1997 Ishwara (ఈశ్వర) 2057 1937, 1877, 1817 11
1998 Bahudhānya (బహుధాన్య) 2058 1938, 1878, 1818 12
1999 Pramādhi  (ప్రమాధి) 2059 1939, 1879, 1819 13
2000 Vikrama (విక్రమ) 2060 1940, 1880, 1820 14
2001 Vrisha (వృష) 2061 1941, 1881, 1821 15
2002 Chitrabhānu  (చిత్రభాను) 2062 1942, 1882, 1822 16
2003 Svabhānu  (స్వభాను) 2063 1943, 1883, 1823 17
2004 Tārana  (తారణ) 2064 1944, 1884, 1824 18
2005 Pārthiva  (పార్థివ) 2065 1945, 1885, 1825 19
2006 Vyaya  (వ్యయ) 2066 1946, 1886, 1826 20
2007 Sarvajithu  (సర్వజిత్తు) 2067 1947, 1887, 1827 21
2008 Sarvadhāri  (సర్వధారి) 2068 1948, 1888, 1828 22
2009 Virodhi  (విరోధి) 2069 1949, 1889, 1829 23
2010 Vikruti  (వికృతి) 2070 1950, 1890, 1830 24
2011 Khara  (ఖర) 2071 1951, 1891, 1831 25
2012 Nandana (నందన) 2072 1952, 1892, 1832 26
2013 Vijaya  (విజయ) 2073 1953, 1893, 1833 27
2014 Jaya  (జయ) 2074 1954, 1894, 1834 28
2015 Manmadha  (మన్మధ) 2075 1955, 1895, 1835 29
2016 Durmukhi  (దుర్ముఖి) 2076 1956, 1896, 1836 30
2017 Hevalambi  (హేవళంబి) 2077 1957, 1897, 1837 31
2018 Vilambi  (విళంబి) 2078 1958, 1898, 1838 32

Note : * Year in western calendar in current yuga is listed in this column starting with current year for clarity.

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