Why Illegal Constructions Never Make Long-Term Sense?

by hiocuser1
Published: Updated: 190 views

Firstly, it has to be highlighted that nothing is more important than not getting carried away by the lower costs of construction erected against legal provisions. People are strongly advised not to invest in these places. The satisfaction buyers experience with acquiring properties in these constructions is very short-lived. After that, they are subjected to hardships for a prolonged duration; peace of mind disappears and every day is filled with tensions.

The recent massive demolition drive conducted by HYDRA in Hyderabad reminded people about the significance of staying away from illegal buildings. Here, it is worth noting that the demolitions carried out by HYDRA are minor when compared with those that took place in other parts of the country.

Around a couple of years back, two skyscrapers that were constructed against the concerned laws were pulled down on the outskirts of New Delhi. This demolition was done using a controlled explosion, making sure that there was no major damage to other constructions in the vicinity. Both these buildings, together, consisted of approximately 850 flats that were yet to be occupied.

  • In 2019, the Supreme Court issued an order to demolish five apartment buildings located under the jurisdiction of Maradu Municipality, Kerala. These constructions deviated from the CRZ (Coastal Regulation Zone) rules. The court ordered that these demotions be carried out within thirty days
  • When the order was issued, four of the buildings were already occupied, while the contractor responsible for the remaining construction had abandoned the project . Subsequently, the demolition happened in January 2020 with the help of a controlled implosion.
  • Similarly, a dispute was in progress in the High Court of Mumbai regarding getting a stay order for the planned demotion of forty-one buildings. These constructions, which are under the jurisdiction of Vasai-Virar City Municipal Corporation, violated the corresponding regulations. The court didn’t give a stay. An order was given to pull down all these buildings within the stipulated time frame.
  • There is a case about Adarsh Housing Society, situated in Mumbai’s Colaba area. It’s still being litigated in court. This housing society was constructed to benefit the widows of armed forces personnel who lost their lives serving the country.
  • With the passage of time, many bureaucrats, political leaders, and officers of the armed forces formed a nexus. They manipulated the various rules and regulations and took ownership of flats at prices way lower than that of the actual market value. Currently, various agencies are conducting thorough investigations. Though the final judgment is still pending, it can be said that the risk of demolition cannot be ruled out.
  • All the above instances stress how crucial it is for people to exercise the utmost caution while buying properties. Here are a few pivotal tips:
  • Never underestimate the significance of studying documents. Insist on seeing all documents pertinent to the property. If the seller or builder responds ambiguously and does not give you all the relevant papers, it’s better not to proceed with the transaction. Definitely, there is something questionable.
  • If the price of a property is too low in relation to the standard rates, don’t buy it at any cost. It could either be an illegal construction or a part of a construction having grave violations.
  • Ensure that the property fully conforms to the layout that has received approval from the authorities. Do not ignore even minor variations.

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