Reservation Type: General
Areas Covered: Chikkadpally, Gandhi Nagar, Achaiah Nagar, Ashok Nagar, Bholakpur, Jawahar Nagar, Bakaram, Domalaguda, Lower Tankbund, Kavadiguda, Bholak Pur, Anjaiah Nagar, Ram Nagar, Zamistanpur, Musheerabad, Parsigutta, Dayara, Bapu Nagar, Azamabad, Gemini Colony, Nallakunta, Old Nallakunta, Baghlingampalli, Vidya Nagar, Nagamaiah Kunta, Adikmet
  Parliamentary Constituency: Secunderabad | District: Hyderabad |
  MLA: Dr. K. Laxman | Party: BJP |
Constituency voters data
Male Voters | Female Voters | Total Voters | % Votes Polled | Turn Out % |
139200 | 121620 | 260852 | 150884 | 57.84 |
Assembly Contestants from Major Parties
Name of the candidate | Party & Symbol | Age | Qualification | Votes Polled | Vote % |
Dr. K. Laxman | 58 | Doctorate | 65209 | 43.21 | |
Muta Gopal | 61 | Graduate | 37823 | 25.06 | |
Punjala Vinay Kumar | 57 | Post Graduate | 26808 | 17.76 | |
Qhasim Shaheen Mohammed | 45 | Graduate | 5659 | 3.75 | |
Gade Bal Reddy | 65 | Graduate Professional | 5265 | 3.48 | |
P. Rohit Kumar | 40 | Graduate Professional | 2473 | 1.63 | |
Others | 7647 | 5.06 |
Results from last election: | ||
Total Votes: 2,42,039 | Votes Polled: 1,32,807 | Poll%: 54.87% |
Tanguturi Manemma won with a margin of 14,843 votes or 32.00% over the nearest candidate.
Candidate | Party | Votes Polled | Vote % |
Tanguturi Manemma | INC | 45966 | 34.62 |
Dr. K. Laxman | BJP | 31123 | 23.44 |
Nayini Narsimha Reddy | TRS | 21967 | 16.55 |
P.V. Ashok Kumar | PRAP | 16300 | 12.28 |
P.Rohit Kumar | LSP | 13475 | 10.15 |
Others | 2.96 |