Buying an apartment or independent house is an important decision that one makes in life. This is because you will be investing a large part of your hard-earned money in it. It is, therefore, better to consider Vaastu aspects before buying an apartment or independent house.

Following are key points to remember before making the final decision including the shape of the plot, the right place for living room etc. Let’s discuss them briefly.
Choice of plot
Choose a plot that is either rectangular or square shaped. Avoid oval, round, triangular, hexagonal or L shapes. Don’t take a plot that is adjacent to a temple or grave yard. Opt for a house or an apartment that is faced north, east or north-east. The slope of the plot should be towards north, east or north-east, better avoid those faced other directions.
Open space should be left all around within the constructed area. Having road on the north-east directions is considered to be good. Avoid buying property that is located at the dead end of the road. Don’t buy a plot with roads running straight into the plot from different directions; it is considered inauspicious. This is called Veedhi Shoola.
Vaastu for rooms
- Master bedroom should either be in south-west or north-west. The bedroom should either be in square or rectangular shape.
- Children’s bedroom should be in west, north or east of the house or the apartment. West side is ideal for children.
- Kitchen should be in the south-east corner, the next option is north-west. Avoid having kitchen in north or north-east.
- Drawing room, also called hall, sitting room or living room should be in the north or east side of the house or the apartment. If the plot is facing north, the drawing room should be in north-east. Similarly, if the plot is facing west, drawing room should be in north-west and if it is facing south, the drawing room should be in south-east.
- Puja room should be in the north-east side of the plot. Avoid having puja room in the southern area and a toilet above or below puja room.
- Whether it is a house or an apartment, dinning room should be in the west, south or east portion. It is better to have dining room and kitchen in the same floor.
- Guest room can be in the north-west or south-east.
- Store room can be in the north-west portion of the building.
- Toilets/bathrooms can be in the east, north-west or south-east direction. Avoid toilets in the north-east, east or north directions.
Other minor things to consider
- There should be no structure built in the center or middle. The place should be left open, you can have living room in that area.
- Septic tank should be in the north-west corner and submerged water tank should be in the north-east.
- Over head tank best suitable place is south-west or west.
- Balconies should be in north or east portion of the plot.
- Verandahs should either be in north or east. Avoid having verandahs in the south or west portion of the plot.
- Staircase should always be in west or south portion of the building. Do not have staircase on the north-east.
- Doors and windows should be placed in north and east. Avoid having doors and windows in west and south direction. The number of doors and windows should be even and not odd.
These tips will surely help you while buying a house or an apartment. However, it is better to take advice from reliable and knowledgeable Vaastu consultant, as he will guide you on each aspect of Vaastu and its importance.