Number of Subsidised Domestic LPG Cylinder Raised to 12, LPG-Aadhar Delinked

by correspondent

The maximum number of subsidised LPG cylinders for households has been increased to 12 from nine. The subsidy on LPG for households has been de-linked from Aadhar cards.

The total number of domestic LPG consumers in Hyderabad is 13,88,107, and of these 9.73 lakh (70%) have Aadhar-bank linked. In view of the new measures, people are unsure about the price of LPG. There is also uncertainty about the date when the LPG-Aadhar de-linking will come into force. According to Oil Marketing Companies’ officials, the price after the changes may be Rs 440 – Rs 450. Dealers put it around Rs 500.

Readers may remember, the LPG-Aadhar linkage was made voluntary in June-August 2013. In September 2013, it was made compulsory. The result was that many consumers, lost their subsidy although they were eligible for it, and had to pay Rs 1000 per cylinder. This made it unaffordable for middle and lower income group people because earlier price per cylinder was Rs 412.50. Readers may note today, the price of a domestic non-subsidised cylinder is Rs 1327.50.

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