India Stands Among the Last 20 in the List of Most Peaceful Nations

by HIOC Team

According to the Global Peace Index (GPI), 2011, among the list of top peaceful nations in the world, India is ranked 135 out of 153 countries. The rank is fallen by seven points, when compared to previous year’s rank. Among the last 20 countries, it is accompanied by Pakistan (146) and Afghanisthan (150).

The GPI ranks the countries taking in to consideration 23 indicators, which include crime levels, conflicts with neighbors and military spending. India’s score on most of the parameters related to peace remained same, but due to the increased perception of criminality in the society, its ranks dropped. When compared to other countries, homicides and crime rates are much lower in India.

This year, Iceland took over the first place from New Zealand, as the world’s most peaceful country. Somalia replaced Iraq in the last place.

The GPI has also listed out few reasons for current and future unrest in the world in many countries. Social unrest is the major reason for less peace throughout the world. Current and future economic uncertainties may trigger unrest in China. Arab countries too might become less peaceful with these economic strains. Rising food prices were the reasons of concern in Egypt and Tunisia and in some other places, they even led to bloodshed. Implementation of serious and harsh regulations was responsible for development of protests in Europe.

According to GPI, the major factors which promoted peace were, proper functioning of governments, homogenous societies, good secondary education, equal presence of wealth among the society and freedom for press.

Source: Zee News

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