Only thing Big about Big B is his ego and constant craving for attention!

by correspondent
Published: Updated: 271 views

Ego helps some champions to achieve more, to set higher standards – they do not settle for anything less than excellence.  However, in case of Big B – it is a constant craving for privileges, entitlements and attention.  And a nasty habit of belittling others achievements.

Big B declined Bill Clinton’s invitation to join the Clinton Global Initiative(CGI). No issue with that, he could have said a “No, thank you” privately. But not Mr. Big B who derided the invitation publicly and said why should “I sing and dance…”  or  “travel to a foreign land to lend cause to a foreign initiative, patronized and guided by a foreigner, for his benefit.” 

For God’s sake the Clinton Global Initiative does projects in 150 countries. A Foreign company called Dow Chemicals has committed to Rs.140 crores to help create community water systems in India to help provide safe drinking water for 1.1 crore people in rural India. The Clinton Global Initiative is about creating projects of your own choosings in your own neighborhood to suit your strengths and capabilities.

Well what can you expect from Big B. Maybe because it is required to make Commitments to Action in the Clinton Global Initiative– concrete, measurable steps towards improving lives. Otherwise, they are not invited again!  Well that is maybe what scared our Big B.  He could not just do some ‘dancing and singing’ and get away. He needed to do something meaningful.  If Big B really cared for Mumbai and terrorism –  he could have made a commitment to do something about it and make an impact. Instead he made a very careless comment and sought to indulge the auto / taxi wallahs of Lucknow and many star struck housewives looking for ways to idle away their time.

Recently, he said something stupid about ‘Slumdog millionaire’ a couple of days after it got the Golden Globe Awards.

Big B cannot think beyond his village pond, even if we put him in the Indian ocean.  I know ten times more desi fans of Jackie Chan in Hyderabad, than all the ‘white’ fans of Big B in even a large city like New York.  

I have seen people say some Indian actresses look ‘Hot’. But never met anyone who said he watches Indian films.  I have seen movie theatres flocked with thousands of Indians for a hit Indian movie. But never saw one white family or a even a group of ‘two’ white people (on their own – not tagging along with an Indian group) come to watch a popular Bollywood movies.

They have mentioned seeing a Indian movie song and surprised by the colors of the dresses or the raunchyness / craziness of the dances. But never seen anyone who said, I like Indian movies and cannot live without seeing one every other month. Or have any white person ask me ”Hey, any good Indian movies you would recommend?”

The situation is entire different with Indian food. Every part of USA has Indian restaurants.  And many white people geniunely relish Indian food. They are clear what they want to order and why they like a ‘Chicken Tikka masala’ or ‘Naan’. In a business meeting, I once came across someone who was crazy about Muligatawny soup and was surprised that I did not know what it was though I had lived in South India. Turned out later that the ‘Muligatawny soup’ was a fancy name for ‘Sambar’ (yes, of Idli Sambar fame!!)

So wake up Mr. Big B.  Just understand that appealing to every low class Bihari, UP, Rajasthani and Haryanvi is one thing. It is another thing to appeal to an international audience.  I know your ego hurts after all the ego massaging you get from million and millions of low IQ fans of yours.  I don’t think people who are more refined and more intelligent will be as blatant with their adulation for you.

Yes, you are the North Indian Champion.  Not even a National Champion. Not sure how many villagers in West Bengal,  Andhra Pradesh or Tamil Nadu will know you.  And be humble and realize that there are some Olympic champions. 

Maybe, it is the money that Anil Ambani’s ADA Group gives you that motivates you to keep creating ‘noises’ and ‘unnecessary controversy’ to promote the ‘Big Adda’ blog and brand. Grow up, face the reality and stop indulging your ego! 

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