Lakdikapul Area– Best Petrol Pump

by correspondent
Published: Updated: 68 views

Not satisfied with the fuel mileage at your regular petrol pump. Then this Hyderabad petrol pump in Lakdikapool area is a solid choice.

Opposite the DGP office and Khairtabad bus stop there are 2 petrol pumps. That leads to the confusion. Since one of them is extra ordinary and the other is very ordinary. Go to Happy Petrol pump and you will be happy with the fuel mileage!

Since there is a road divider you cannot directly enter the petrol pump from the Khairtabad bus stop side. You need to take a ‘U’ turn before the khairtabad flyover and proceed towards Ravindra Bharathi. Leave the first petrol pump and get into the second one.

If you reached Ravindra Bharati you have gone too far. You need to take a ‘U’ turn at Ravindra Bharati ‘x’ roads and come back again. Not worth it right! So just be careful, pay attention and you will save some extra rupees. Some good things don’t come that easily.

The traffic is pretty heavy on the road so get into the left lane to make it easy to get into the petrol pump. It tends to be a bit crowded but they do a decent job of processing the customers quickly and professionally.

Use this map to make it easy for you to find this ‘best petrol pump’.

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