Why Focusing on English Writing Skills is More Important Than Spoken English?

by correspondent
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One is amazed to see the craze among the city students to learn spoken English. This sudden interest has led to the mushrooming of the institutions teaching spoken English in the Hyderabad city. These institutes claim to make you fluent in English in a matter of days – business mantra for these commercial institutes. On the streets of Hyderabad you can see numerous bill boards, pamphlets, ads, etc, of these institutes placed at the busy city centers. Many of the students in Hyderabad city, tend to join these institutes by believing blindly in these claims.

People spend good money to learn spoken English but fail to understand that written English is what is required to excel in career and professional front. Hence, these institutes which focus only on spoken English are of limited use for career growth.

Why Focusing on English Writing Skills is More Important Than Spoken English? - Hyderabad India Online

Even the most uneducated person in US and England can speak good English. But the highest level of job they can get will be a call center associate or retail counter clerk. Even in most call center jobs, a person should be able to write and record notes in English into computer in understandable manner. As you climb up the corporate ladder, your written English skills gain importance.

Good Writing Skills Ensures Professional Growth
Good writing skills are essential for professional growth. It is the core aspect while writing resumes, communicating with clients about products, building customer relationships etc. Good writing is essential in sales as big clients prefer written proposals. Even while writing resumes, clear and well written sentences highlighting your experience, qualities and character, will gain confidence of the recruiter. But the institutes teaching spoken English are not focused on developing writing skills of individual. A person who wants to speak English fluently should know that they must first have good command over written English. Once your written skills are good, automatically your verbal skills will be good.

Good Writing Highlights Various Abilities
Writing in English requires good knowledge about the grammar, vocabulary, and structure. A crystal clear, structured, and correct writing can effectively convey one’s thought to the reader. Effective written English helps to glide through ideas, feelings, and opinions without getting perplexed. Good writing reflects positive traits like self-confidence, clear thinking, analytical mind etc. Writing properly makes you look intelligent and professional. It is also the mental organizational skills of the person which comes into picture at this stage. A person can effectively write when he has mental clarity about what exactly he has to convey.

Effective written English polishes and organizes your thinking process which makes you speak in better way. What person speaks is the manifestation of his thought process which develops due to writing.

Written English is beneficial while giving presentation as concepts, knowledge, future strategy etc. should be correctly written to make others understand. Suppose you are a team leader and asked to submit an action plan or a report about how to approach a project, then it is your writing skills that will help to present the report and gain confidence.

Speed of speaking is important in speaking English, while accuracy and clarity of thought is important in writing. Since ample time is there in writing that the quality standards are also high. Unless you have speech impediment, good written English skills almost automatically translates into good verbal skills.

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