Ramakrishna Math Offers Quality Education Through Disciplined Approach

by correspondent
Published: Updated: 1.6K views

Ramakrishna math, Hyderabad is a non-commercial educational institution. This institution is run by committed monks, with a main aim of imparting self-discipline to the students, along with quality education. The institute is famous for its teaching staff with high caliber, which is one of its main assets.

Ramakrishna Math Offers Quality Education Through Disciplined Approach - Hyderabad India Online

Offers regular and short term spoken English courses:
Ramakrishna math is one of the best spoken English institutes in Hyderabad. The Vivekananda institute of languages (VIOL) offers high quality teaching for various language courses. It provides tailor made spoken English courses for the students coming from vernacular backgrounds and also considering the high need of English speaking skills required in getting a good job in the present scenario.

Process to get admission in to the spoken English course:
The selection of candidates for the spoken English course is done by conducting an entrance exam. Unlike other commercial spoken English institutes in Hyderabad, the candidates who have scored less in SSC are given high preference for admission. The fees are comparatively very less than other institutes.

Do’s and Dont’s in the institute:

  • Access to Ramakrishna math premises for outsiders or students is highly conditional to certain strict rules and regulations. Ramakrishna math is a highly disciplined educational institute, giving utmost priority to the self-discipline of the students/general public. Hence, they expect the students to get accustomed with the below mentioned rules and if not, they do not hesitate in canceling the admission/access of the students.
  • Candidates already admitted or entering the campus for any other purpose should be dressed only in formals (for boys) and traditional dresses (for girls). Any candidate (girl/boy) who wears trendy dresses (having pictures, quotes, t-shirts, sleeveless, leggings) are instructed to leave the campus immediately.
  • Girls and boys are instructed to use separate stair cases, sit separately in class and are NOT allowed to chat in the campus. However, any student is encouraged to participate with positive spirit in the group discussions held in class.
  • Both outsiders and students should switch off their cell phones in the campus. Laptops are NOT allowed.
  • Informal or formal discussions either with the lecturers or students should NOT be held in the institute premises. Subject related discussions with the fellow students and lecturers are strictly limited to the classroom or the staff room.
  • Any candidate coming late even by 1 minute is NOT allowed to attend classes. Grace period of 10 minutes is given for only three times, after which the admission is canceled.
  • It is must for every student to attend the 10 minutes prayer at the beginning of every session, failing which they are NOT allowed for class.
  • At the time of admission every student is given a prayer book and an ID card which should be bought compulsorily while attending the classes, failing which they are NOT permitted. The ID lost or misplaced will NOT be replaced at any cost.
  • Candidates who come early before the class should sit in the auditorium or temple, but are NOT permitted to loiter in the campus. They are also needed to leave the premises within 10 minutes of ending the class.
  • Candidates are NOT allowed to take leave for more than 4 classes in any session. And for every leave it is compulsory to submit a leave letter to the officials to get permission to attend the next class. Failing to provide letter or exceeding the 4 leaves limit will result in cancel of admission.
  • Any misconduct with the higher authorities, lecturers or fellow students in the campus or in the class is NOT tolerated. The final evaluation of marks will have 40 percentage weightage for class participation and behavior, hence rude or misconduct in the class will result in less marks.

Ramakrishna math is one such institute, which though provides freedom for students in gaining access to knowledge, will never compromise on the basic human discipline.

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