Jumbling system for Intermediate Practical Exams

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 146 views

The Board of Intermediate Education (BIE) has finally made it clear that the jumbling system for the Intermediate practical exams to be implemented from this academic year that is from March 2013.

Till now, Intermediate colleges used to conduct practical exams for their students at their own colleges in their own labs. Only for theory exams jumbling system is in practice where students will be jumbled among different examination centers to write the exams. Now, as per the latest instructions of BIE, jumbling system will be implemented even for the practical exams where the candidates of one college will be sent to other colleges to take the exam from which is going to be implemented from this academic year March 2013.

The authorities also asked the college managements to make necessary arrangements in their respective colleges and also prepare the kids mentally ready to adapt the changes and to take the practical examinations.

Source: Hans India

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