You can easily identify people of Hyderabad by the way they speak. They have a unique Hyderabadi language and they use some words which are confined only to this region. Here are some words which only a Hyderabadi will say and understand.
- Parsoon: This technically means day before yesterday or day after tomorrow. But for a Hyderabadi it can be anywhere from 3 days to about 10 years
- Kaiku: Kyun / Why
- Hau: Haan / Yes
- Abbi: Abhi / Right now
- Nakko: Nahi / No
- Chingum: Chewing gum
- Hallu: Ahista / Slowly
- Kafi: Coffee
- Hawla: Bewaquf / Fool
- Aare: Aao / Come
- Jaare: Jao / Go
- Peytabh: Maujey / Socks
- Potti: Ladki / Girl
- Potta: Ladka / Boy
- Tereko: Aapko / For you
- Mereko: Mujhey or Hamko / For me
We will update this article again with more words. If you have anything to add, please share with us.