Mahatma Gandhi Bus Station also called as Central or Imlibun is one of the busiest areas in Hyderabad as the place is flooded with travelers as well as incoming & outgoing TSRTC buses. There are many city buses connecting from MGBS to another bus station in Secunderabad i.e Jubilee bus stand (JBS) and other local areas of of twin cities as well. For detailed list of bus numbers from Mahatma Gandhi Bus station to other important traffic junctions please refer the following list –
To | Bus Numbers |
Abids | 7, 7b, 7d, 9, 9k, 185c, 185 |
Afzulgunj | 1, 2, 2J, 3, 7, 86D, 94S, 94A, 95, 1850, 185D |
Amberpet | 71A, 71B |
Arts College | 3B, 3K, 3M |
Balanagar | 9K, 9X, 189 |
Barkas | 20, 2U, 7U |
Barkatpura | 2, 2J, 2P, 2R,3, 3H, 3K, 3T |
Basheerbagh | 7, 7B |
BHEL | 225M |
Bolaram | 2R, 2D |
Charminar | 2, 20, 2U, 2V, 2R, 9, 9K, 1850, 185D, 1890 |
Chikkadpally | 1, 1P, 1E |
Dilsukhnagar | 72j, 8V |
ECIL X Road | 3H, 3K, 15A |
ESI | 9, 9K, 1850, 185D, 186M |
Golconda | 65G, 80I |
JBS | 2R, 2D, 7D, 1J |
Jeedimetla | 9, 9K, 9X, 189C |
Kachiguda | 2, 20, 2D, 2R,21, 3, 3H |
Khairatabad | 9, 9K, 9X,185C, 185D, 185M |
Koti | 1, 1E, 1P, 3B, 3H, 3K, 7, 7B, 7C, 7D, 9K, 1850, 185D |
Kukatpally | 185C, 185D |
Kushaiguda | 3K, 15A |
lakadikapool | 9, 9K, 9X, 185C, 185D, 185M |
Liberty | 7, 7B, 7D, 57S |
Malakpet | 72J, 8V |
Malkajgiri | 7S, 35A |
Marredpally | 1E, 1M |
Masabtank | 65G, 65T, 65V |
Mehdipatnam | 65T, 65V, 65G |
Moulaali | 15A, 3, 3K |
Nampally | 57S, 7, 7B, 7C, 7D, 9, 9K, 185C |
Punjagutta | 9, 9K, 9X, 185C, 185D, 185M |
Rajendra nagar | 94R, 94S, 95S |
Ram nagar | 86K, 86H, 57S |
Ramanthapur | 71A, 71B, 71R |
Ranigunj | 7, 7B, 7C, 7D, 94S |
Risala bazar | 2R, 2D, 7D |
RTC X Roads | 1, 1E, 1P, 2, 2J, 2D, 2C |
Safilguda | 7S, 35A |
Sanath nagar | 9, 189C |
Secretariat | 8V, 9K |
Secunderabad | 1, 1P, 2, 2J, 2V, 2P, 2R, 2U, 7, 7C, 7U, 86K |
Shankar mutt | 2, 2B, 2D, 2J, 2V, 2P, 2R, 2U |
Sitafulmandi | 57S, 2V, 86K, 86H |
Tank Bund | 7, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7U, 7V |
Tarnaka | 3, 3B, 3C, 3H, 3K, 3T |
Uppal | 71A, 71B |
Vidhya nagar | 3, 3B, 3C, 3H, 3K, 3T, 2V |
Warasiguda | 57S, 86K, 86H, 2V |