City Traffic Police Struggling to Catch the Drug Abusing Drivers

by HIOC Team
Published: Last Updated on 66 views

The breathalyzers used by the traffic police to curb the road accidents due to drunken driving is of least help. The city’s alcohol abusing youth due to the fear of getting caught by the traffic police are now found turning towards the drugs, whose abuse is not detected by the breathalyzers. This highlights the loopholes in the measures taken by the government to control the road accidents as well as to restrict the addiction of illegal substance among the youth.

The city traffic police said that most of the youth riding in the city, though found on high, suspicious and intoxicated are passing the alcohol test and are successfully evading the concerned punishments. The reason for this high among the youth is found to be the abuse of ganja, which is easily available in the city.

Very recently 180 kg of ganja was seized by excise officials. Even though the police are making severe efforts to trace the movements of ganja, ganja is widely available in many pockets of the city. And as the city’s traffic police do not have any spot drug testing kits, youth are finding it easy to escape the police trap.

Source: Times of India

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