Swine Flu Attack Warning for the City

by correspondent
Published: Updated: 158 views

Doctors warned that possible Swine flu outbreak in the twin cities because during the winter season the virus spreads faster. According to officials from Andhra Pradesh Government Chest Hospital, virus has been mild earlier, but it could change its behavior. The virus becomes dangerous if that happens. During monsoon and winter, it spreads rapidly. So in coming days there will be more infections due to cool weather conditions.

He said that surveillance and screening should be given high priority and special medical staff and testing should be made available at various points of the twin cities. He also pointed that people need to be more vigilant and take precautionary measures.

People should be screened for the virus if symptoms are seen. Also if there are any positive signs, Tamiflu medicine should be administered. Officials warn that 10 percent of population are affected with common flue in every season, but if it reaches 25 to 30 percent, it wold be a big concern. Nearly 55 persons were died by swine flu H1N1 and over 787 cases were detected in the state in the last year.

Source: Express buzz

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