HMDA Plans To Improve The Water Quality Of HussainSagar Lake

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 163 views

Bio-remediation is being planned by Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) for Hussainsagar lake apart from taking various measures for bringing up the past glory of the lake.

Engineered microbial cultures are being added to the water of the polluted lake for improving the quality of the water, as a part of bio-remediation process. This process will help in destroying the foul and dirty smell and also destroys the algal blooms and in turn improves the quality of the water. All these processes are being done as a part of Hussainsagar lake and Catchment improvement Project, which is financially assisted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

The time period for improving the quality of water is one year and this project has to be maintained till three years. The main aim of this engineered bio-remediation is to improve the quality standard of the water, by removing the algal blooms and by increasing the content of oxygen in water.

Hussain Sagar is man-made lake which was constructed in 1562. Till 1930’s the water of this lake was used by the people for drinking purposes. Now it is impossible for the human usage.

Source: The Hindu

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