Ban on Plastic to be Implemented from July 1

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 209 views

3 may 2011: The Mayor of Hyderabad has announced that the ban on the usage of plastic in the city will come in to effect from July 1. A month long awareness campaign is being held in the city by GHMC by pasting posters, banners and also through audio-visual media to home. The ban will include manufacture, usage and even storage of plastic bags irrespective of microns. An appeal has made to citizens and businessmen to use more eco-friendly products such as cloth and jute bags.

Apart from being threat to the environment, these plastic bags are causing an obstruction to the smooth flow of drainage water and excess rain water. This is leading to wastage of crores of rupees on cleaning these nalas every year by GHMC.

A meeting was held with retailers, hoteliers and other businessmen to discuss about successful implementation of this step. Some of the businessmen suggested implementation of ban phase wise for successful implementation.

Source: The Hindu

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