So You Wanna Be a Teacher…………

by HIOC Team
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Thinking about B.Ed College because your relative/neighbor is a Teacher? Think Again…………

So You Wanna Be a Teacher………… - Hyderabad India OnlineFirst of all, what is it about your relative/neighbor the teacher that makes you want to follow her into her profession? Is it the money? The prestige? Do you even know whether this person is happy teaching? Have you asked her lately? More importantly, have you ever followed this person through a typical day – or even better, a typical week? Ever asked this person what she likes least about teaching, or about how much time she teaches routine classes and how much time she spends to acquire relevant professional education and training, to get new concepts of best teaching? Ever asked how long it took her to become comfortable with the subject she teaches, or how much effort she has to put in to make her students understand/learn the subject?

These are revealing questions that may help you explore a career in teaching more realistically. Ask them before you romanticize your relative, the teacher.

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