Canadian Caught Possessing Drugs at Delhi Airport

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 238 views

3 Jan 12: At the Indira Gandhi International Airport, a Canadian was found possessing pouches containing 95gms of Charas and 90gms of Heroin. He was on board of an Air India flight and was traveling to London from Mumbai.

The possession of these contraband drugs came in to light in surprising way. The Canadian was needed to be off-loaded at IGI airport as he felt sick. He was taken to the Medanta medical center at departure check-in area for medical check-up. After his return from the medical center, he was again put back to the security hold area in order to board the onward flight to London. Then, the security personnel have detected that pouches containing drugs in his socks.

He was booked under the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. He was sentenced to 8 months in prison and was imposed with a fine of Rs.50,000.

Source: Deccan Herald

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