Acute Water Scarcity in Hyderabad

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 241 views

Shortfall of water has turned out to be more acute because of fast depletion of water level in reservoirs. Most parts of the city are hit by water scarcity and it has led to mounting complaints to the authorities.

Currently the Water Board manages the situation by pumping water from the Osmansagar reservoir. If it does not rain by June 15 the authorities will be forced install motors and start pumping from ‘dead storage’ levels of even Himayatsagar.

The water at the ‘dead storage’ level in both Osmansagar and Himayatsagar is not safe. The reservoirs have been used up and the shortage is met by diverting water from River Krishna.

Some areas in Adikmet get daily water supply a great bulk of areas in the heart of Secunderbad and Hyderabad are provided with alternate day supply for two hours. Likewise, some localities get water supply once a week. This unequal supply of water has led to resentment among citizens and the government should take appropriate action in this regard.

Source: DC

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