Lakes in Hyderabad Getting Defunct because of Development Activities

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 121 views

Once noted for its numerous wetlands, Hyderabad is losing many of them.

Wetlands are critical as source of potable water. They also work as percolation container of water. Wetlands enable aquifers (area underground through which water oozes out) to recharge with water. It has a good recreation aspect to attract many bird and water-living animal species.

Many wetlands in the city are getting destroyed fast. The principal reason is pollution caused by dumping waste. Masab tank was earlier known as Masahiba tank. It was one of the important wetlands. The locality near Hussainsagar has decreased to one-third of the original area. The Mir Alam tank close to Nehru Zoo Park served as a source of drinking water during the Nizam’s time. It is completely polluted now.

The area near the Ramanthapur Lake is under encroachment and houses have been built. There was Water and Land Tree Act and if the government enforced it effectively, the damage done to the wetlands have not been to the extent they are.

From ecology perspective, wetlands play significant role. They protect against devastating consequences of floods and storms. Regrettably, these wetlands have been destroyed by occupying their space by housing, commercial purpose and industries. Nearly 50% of the wetlands in the city have been destroyed.

Source: DC

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