Risk Of Infections At Gandhi Hospital

by correspondent
Published: Updated: 135 views

Risk of infections is being increased as a result of dangerous bio-medical waste generated in the Gandhi Medical College. Large amounts of hazardous wastage is being released from the hospital but the hospital is failing to dispose them in the proper manner. Gloves, syringes, wound dressings etc. are dangerous wastes which is being thrown in the open places.

As the hospital is a big one, there are more than 1,500 patients and even the visitors are also more. So, there will be a huge wastage. But as there are only two dustbins which are used for throwing the disposal wastage, the rest of the waste is being kept in the bio- waste rooms. As the two dustbins are not sufficient for the waste the rest of waste is thrown in open.

The bio waste room is situated beside the place where the patient’s food is being cooked by the visitors. So, this leads to more infections. Many visitors are complaining about the worse situations of the bio-medical wastage.

Source: DC

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