City Adolescents are More Prone to Tobacco Addiction

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 237 views

24 May 2011: According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2009-10, the tobacco addiction is seen in the city among the youth between 13 and 15 years of age. The children between class eight and tenth are more prone to tobacco addiction. The reports of this survey say that, 9 percent of the students, between the age of 13 and 15 years currently use tobacco in some or the other form. The survey also says that 7 percent of the students below 15 years get initiated to tobacco by themselves and four in 10 students have parents who abuse tobacco. The survey also states that, 24 percent of the tobacco users initiate tobacco abuse before 18 years of age and five in 10 students are exposed to smoking at public places.

According to the anti-tobacco activists and dental experts in the city, the main reason for adolescents getting used to tobacco is socio economic factors. The children from low and high income families are more susceptible to tobacco abuse. High prevalence of Hookah joints in the city is also one of the main reasons of tobacco abuse. Even the children of the parents who are addicted to cigarettes or gutka are more prone to tobacco abuse.

However, equal number of youth is really fighting against the tobacco abuse. Seven in 10 students, strongly say that smoking should be banned at public places. The health experts think that limiting the exposure to tobacco is the best way to curb tobacco abuse among adolescents.

Source: The Hindu

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