Intermediate Second Year Results To Be Announced On April 30

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 235 views

Board Of Intermediate Eductaion decided to announce the results of the Intermediate first year exams on April 25 and Intermediate second year results on April 30.

After facing many problems, the Board of Intermediate Education (BIE) has accelerated the spot valuation job in order to announce the results in accordance with the schedule. The board had assigned about 26,000 examiners for doing the spot valuation. Nearly 18 lakh students attended for the Inter examinations this year. The examiners are evaluating about 1.9 crore subject papers.

The board was working hard to reach the result deadline for the first time this year. The Telangana agitation had necessitated the board to delay the exams from March 3 to March 10. The postponement had led to a late start to the evaluation job. The officials started spot evaluation in all the district headquarters on March 27.

As 25 per cent weightage of Inter marks is considered in calculating the Eamcet rank, there was pressure on the Board to announce the Inter results as scheduled. The Board plans to held the advanced supplementary exams in the starting week of June and the results will be announced in the first week of July.

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