Surroundings Of Hussainsagar To Be Declared As Plastic-free Zone

by correspondent
Published: Updated: 212 views

The Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) declared Hussainsagar lake surroundings as plastic free zone from May 1.

In June 2007, the Buddha Purnima Project Authority (BPPA) came out with an idea to ban the plastic mess along the lake sides at Necklace Road and issued awareness campaign among the citizens and incorporated the ban on plastic in NTR Gardens, Lumbini and Sanjeevaiah Park.

The HMDA made the proposal to set the GO banning messing up of plastics and polythene carry bags in the public areas, water fronts, parks and recreation places, and a fine of Rs.100 to Rs.150 was also proposed to be charged on violators. It also announced a sequence of measures as an element of the Hussainsagar Lake and Catchment Area Improvement Project.

The latest initiative again envisage special focus on NTR Garden, Secretariat Road, opposite to IMAX, Necklace Road, Lumbini Park, Eat Street, Jal Vihar and Sanjivaiah Park. Special task force teams have been reported to supervise the effective implementation of the program constantly from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The ban includes use of plastic glasses, bags in parks, hotels, function areas, organizing awareness programmes in slums with door stickers, wall posters and pamphlets and by using slides in Cinema theatres apart from education on health risks of plastic usage. (Source: The Hindu)

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