AP People Spending More Time Over Cell Phones: Study

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 130 views

According to the latest report released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), people of Andhra Pradesh spend more time over cell phones than any other people in the Southern states of India.

According to their study during the first three months of the year, each subscriber in the state both GSM and CDMA users, spent 305 minutes a month on an average only for the purpose of talking to others, which is higher than the average in the other three states. As per their reports, Karnataka mobile users spent 284 minutes per month, whereas Kerala and Tamilnadu users spent 255 and 246 minutes respectively.

Further, it was also found that AP’s average is higher than the country’s average which was 287 minutes per user per month.

Source: DC

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