Hyderabad is Unsafe Says a US Report

by HIOC Team
Published: Updated: 145 views

With the recent bomb blasts in the city, the on-going Telangana agitation and attacks on the fairer sex, Hyderabad is termed as the hub of a ‘full range of criminal activity’ by the US department of states ‘Overseas Security Advisory Council’ (OSAC).

The OSAC has released a report on ‘India 2013 Crime and Safety Report: Hyderabad’, the report shows that there is an increasing crime against women, in city and in state, and AP is rated number 2 nationally in attacks on the fairer sex.

The report states that the city’s transport system is unsafe for tourists, it also raises concern regarding violence from Islamic group the Indian Mujhahideen and the report also mentions about the threat of property scams.

The report directs women to avoid using public transport after dark, avoid walking in isolated areas and restrict to evening entertainment. The report mentions that the terror strikes have not seen foreigners being targeted in the city.

The report appeals to US citizens to refrain from signing property deals with locals, and check out the list on ‘do’s and don’ts’ for tourists. It also warns people against theft of passports at airport and local stations.

Source: The Times of India

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