LPG & CNG Kit Details to be Given in Registration of Vehicles

by correspondent
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State government’s Transport Department is going to make it a rule to include details of LPG and CNG kit details in the registration certification book. This is aimed to check use of illegal gas kits in vehicles. By this, officials can check valve and tank numbers in the database and penalize users if found having mismatched or tampered. In the light of recent fire accidents that have been reported causing loss of lives, the government is taking these measures.

It is proposed that all non-transport vehicles are to be put to mandatory inspection yearly once. A gas kit has a valve, a tank and a vaporiser. Unique numbers are assigned to each of these.

Authorised LPG or CNG kit costs around Rs.18,000 depending on the model of the car, whereas the illegal ones sell Rs.12,000 each.

Further, vehicle owners are supposed inform Transport Department about installing of gas kits and get a certificate. Only autorickshaws are reportedly following the norms and few personal vehicle owners do follow the procedure.

Source – Hindu

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